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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/11/2023.

2023-4 Internal audit report

2024 Notice of public rights

2024 AGAR (2023-24)

2024 A summary of your rights


Annual Accounting Statement 2022 2023

Notice of Public Rights 2022 2023


Precept Budget and Expenditure as at 10 June 2019

Precept Budget and Expenditure 2020

Precept Budget and Expenditure 2021

Precept Budget and Expenditure 2021 - 2022


Asset List

Financial Risk Assessment

Financial Regulations


Annual Statements AGAR 2020/2021

Notice of Public Rights and Publication. 2020/2021

Accountability Return 2020/2021

Certificate of Exemption 2020/2021

Annual Internal Audit Return 2020/2021

Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021

Accounting Statement 2020/2021

Annual Statements AGAR 2019/2020  Includes the Certificate of Exemption from a Limited Assurance Review.  2019/2020

Financial Accounts-2019-2020


Expenditure over £100

Certificate of Exemption from a Limited Assurance Review.

Annual Governance Statement.

Accounting Statement 2018 - 2019.

Annual Internal Audit Report 2018 - 2019.

Bank Reconcilliation 2018 - 2019.

Explanation of Variances 2018 - 2019

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Exempt Authority)


Financial Accounts for 2017/2018

Certificate of Exemption

Annual Internal Audit Report 

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements

Bank Reconciliation

Expenditure over £100


Financial Accounts for 2016/2017

Expenditure over £100

Conclusion of External Audit September 2017  Page 1

Conclusion of External Audit September 2017 Page 2

Conclusion of External Audit September 2017 Page 3

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2016 -2017


Financial Accounts for 2015/2016

Expenditure over £100

Conclusion of Audit September 2016

Externally Audited 2016 Accounts

Annual Governance Statement 2015/2016


Financial Accounts for 2014/2015

Audited Accounts 2014/2015 - Accounting Statements

Audited Accounts 2014/15 - Annual Governance Statement

Audited Accounts 2014/15 - External Auditor Certificate and Report

Bank reconciliation for 2014/2015




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