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Christmas 2018



Those from this area who fell in World War One were remembered.

Cllr Chris Worley presented the  wreath during the Remembrance service Felixkirk Church 
11 November 2018


Christmas 2016


Tour de Yorkshire 2016 Presentations

Hambleton District Council presented a TdeY plaque to the village.  The photo below was taken when Dr Gill Wight, Chairman Village Hall and Cllr Caroline Artingstoll, Chairman Parish Council received the plaque from Cllr Mark Robson, Leader of HDC.  The plaque has been sited next to the Parish Council noticeboard.

Hillside Scout Group received a framed photograph from Hambleton District Council  after the Tour de Yorkshire. It records and recognises their fine Land Art on the outskirts of the village towards Sutton Bank. 

Group Scout Leader Iris de Wet (also our Parish Clerk) and a Scout accepted the framed photo on behalf of the Hillside Scout Group.


Weary legs rest here

The bench, donated 'for all to enjoy', is sited by the walkway, west of the entrance to Sutton Hall.

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2014


The Parish Council donated a noticeboard to the Village Hall.

It was unveiled by retired Cllr Denis Howey. 

25 March 2010



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