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Tour de Yorkshire Photos 2016

Thirsk Tourist Information web site has 350 photos of the TdeY.  Quite a number of photos are of Sutton and Sutton Bank.  Please click here to view them.


Tour de Yorkshire

Hambleton District Council have presented a TdeY plaque to the village.  The photo below was taken when Dr Gill Wight, Chairman Village Hall and Cllr Caroline Artingstoll, Chairman Parish Council received the plaque from Cllr Mark Robson, Leader of HDC.  The plaque has been sited next to the notice boards near the BT phone box.



Hambleton District Council have presented a framed photo to Hillside Scout Group in recognition of their efforts in creating the Land Art which was sited on the outskirts of the village towards Sutton Bank.  Group Scout Leader Iris de Wet (also our Parish Clerk) and a Scout accepted the framed photo on behalf of the Hillside Scout Group.

Hambleton District Council has a Tour de Yorkshire photograph display in their foyer at Stonecross.  The photo below is an example of their display.


A big thank you to everyone for your help and decoration, you made this parish look absolutely wonderful.


The 'roundup' communication has been delivered on 15 May and a copy can be found here 


Land Art

Despite our land art containing 27 letters, each standing 24 feet high, taking over three weeks to make, being put in place in rain, hail and snow - we did not get shortlisted for the competition.  If you wish to see who the winner was please click on this link  http://letour.yorkshire.com/landart


Derek Sparks issued a press release on 25 April - click here to read it


The Yorkshire Dales may have had sheep, but we have Alpacas.  Come and see them outside the pub on 1 May in their yellow and blue colours.


Well done to Tony and Gillian Billett for the creation of the Penny Farthing.  Over £1000 was raised for the RNLI.




The first TdeY communication can be viewed here.

The second TdeY communication can be viewed here

The final TdeY communication can be viewed here.


Contact Details :

Derek Sparks - telephone 597942 or email, dereksparks299@btinternet.com 

Cllr Alison Pollard - telephone, 597761 or email alipollard@btopenworld.com 


You can find out more about the Tour de Yorkshire from the Welcome to Yorkshire website by clicking on this link 


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